Friday 8 January 2016

Kindred Masks

Do you like the new Champion in League of Legends?
Learn how to make those masks here:
Also how to paint them:

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Fukubukuro - Lucky Bag

So this year I decided to get a "Lucky Bag" from myCostumes. This is a trend in japan in the first days of the new year.. and well I tried my luck :)

Here's a video about it:

Or if you prefer a normal picture, you can see everything here too ^-^

I was pretty lucky I guess, since I got the wig and cosplay for Nami. So yup, guess it will be one of my next cosplays :D

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Event Report: LuxCon

First: I'm really sorry for this late report! I had a lot to do with my move to a new home, don't have the best internet connection and while moving I had an accident... I fell down the stairs and now I have to wear an orthesis for 6 weeks. :D I feel unlucky!

But now I've a bit time to talk about the luxembourgish Fantasy Convention called LuxCon. It was the second time that this convention took place and I can really say that they got better! (And I already loved the last edition of it :) ) This year I had the chance to be one of the guests for this event!
The organisation of this event is pretty awesome and everyone is really nice. They do a great job. This year they also had the chance to have Miltos Yerolemou (Game of Thrones) as a guest for their event. (He is btw really friendly and nice and he also said I looked awesome in my Satsuki Kill La Kill cosplay >///< *gasp*)
So on saturday I wore my Shadow Chaser cosplay from Ragnarok Online with a small group. So cool! Just look at those awesome people! (I'm the one with lilac hair btw~)

I really wish I had more pictures of the booths, but my friend totally forgot to take some... But well. :D
At 15p.m. it was time for the workshop I prepared with Esmeraude Cosplay. It was a general one about cosplay, what this is, how to get started with it, how to make your own cosplay, what is important at events etc... It was around 2 hours, and I think we should have made a small break in between. Next time I think. The room was more than full of people! A lot had to stand in the back, I really hope they understand everything there. :D
I'm always very nervous when I stand in front of people, but I guess I managed somehow. I hope :D
On the next day I wore my Satsuki cosplay and met this cute Ryuko *u* I was unfortunately pretty tired that day and I think you can see that on the most pictures... XD
Sunday was the big day of the cosplay competition! I was with Harui and LadyShu part of the jury. We had soooo many awesome contestants and everyone did an awesome job! It was hard to choose, but we had to.
The first place went to the lady barbarian you see with the big sword there. :) She was so cool!

So I hope you like my small report. I know I should have posted this directly after the event, so that I can talk a bit more about it without forgetting any details... but well. Sometimes life keeps me very busy ^-^
Have a nice day!

Monday 23 March 2015

Event Report: Japanese Culture Festival

Last Saturday (21th of March) I had the chance to be invited as a cosplay guest for the Japanese Culture Festival in Perl. It is a small event hosted by a few students from the "Deutsch-Luxemburgisches Schengen-Lyzeum Perl". I think they did a great job and it was very lovely!
I decided to show up in my Firecracker Jinx cosplay for that day.
At first I thought we'd be unlucky again (I went there with one of my friends, he also took some of the photos I post here), since there was a traffic jam on the route to get there, but we actually arrived almost on time.
And we immediately met a lot of people I know (for example Chachamaru and Nono) and also one of the organizers. She was so cute (right picture)!

After that we met Fairy and we even had the time to take a few pictures of our cosplays. But I will upload them on my page on a later date, if you're interested. ;) Have a selfie of us instead! She will accompany me and my friends to the Japan Expo Paris 2015.

(I don't know why my lips are blue here XD The original file doesn't have this problem haha XD)

Now I want to show you a few pictures of the vendors and displays.

And if you know me a bit better, you know that I cannot say "no" to cute plushes etc.. So I got myself this cute little fella here. I still need to give him a name... any ideas? :o He was made by one of the Anilux members. And it's in my favourite color! <3

A bit later that day the ladies from the Japanese Ladies' Association of Luxembourg had their gig on the main stage. Ohh they all sung so beautiful! And the piano was well played as well. Their last song was "Itsumo Nando Demo" from Spirited Away. It was so beautiful I almost cried.. Dang! But no one saw it so it's okay XD

There was also a Ju-Jutsu demonstration but we don't have pictures of it. Sorry! :O

We went outsite a bit and wanted to shoot, but in the end we made a lot of crazy pictures with some of the other cosplayers we met there. The organizers called for a small For-Fun cosplay contest after that.
I was in the judge team alongside with Chachamaru and Yves S. (one of their teachers :D) and it was pretty difficult to decide one winner since they all did a great job. Thanks to everyone for participating! Remember this was just a quick spontaneous for fun competition and nothing serious (otherwise we would have to exclude everyone who didn't make their complete costume by themselves)! :)

I also got a very funny request "can you please play dead for me so I can make a picture?". Well I gladly obeyed as you can see! xD

So the day went slowly to an end, I had a nice chat with some of the people I met there and I also got a sweet (literally! :D) gift from the organizers. Omnomnom! Jinx likes that! :D

So thank you very much for having me and for this very nice saturday! I now have to rest a bit since I got a cold afterwards... I hope I didn't infect someone. >__<"" Sorry!

Thursday 19 March 2015

Satsuki Kiryuin from KILL la KILL Review

Hello! Today I want to show you some close up pictures of my Satsuki cosplay that I got from . :)
I really love how it looks, it's very well made!

Okay, let us have a closer look to it.
 I really love the colors of the dress. It's very close to the original references.
 Clean seams are important in my opinion. They did well!

The eyes are made out of pleather. The ribbon can be attached with a safety pin, but I would recommand to sew it in place.

I also got the shoes for Satsuki.
 As you can see, you also get insoles with your shoes.

The only thing I don't like that much is that they forgot to make the black details at the back. But you can easily paint it yourself, so it's not a big problem. :)

You can get this cosplay here: and the shoes here: . They also have an english site, it's .
To see how it fits me, please check out my video on Youtube!

 Greetings <3

Saturday 7 March 2015

EVA foam/Plastazote - Breastplate for female armors

Did you know you can make easy breastplates out of EVA foam or Plastazote?

a) Wrap yourself in plastic wrap and tape and trace the design. You probably want to put on the bra that you plan to wear with your cosplay.

b) Cut it out. USE A LOT OF MARKINGS on the boobie part or you won't be able to glue it again in place. The boobie cup needs to get cut in (notches) until it lays flat. I only used one here, but more are recommended - it depends on how round you want your cup. This also works for shoulder armors!

c) Trace everything on your EVA foam and cut it out with a sharp cutter. Don't forget to put your markings on the material!

d) Glue the notches slowly together and maybe even shape the cup with the heat of a heatgun to make it a bit more rounder.

e) Sand any harsh seams with a dremel/per hand/what you have.

f) Glue the cups to your underbust part. Always try to match everything as clean as possible with the markings you've placed on before. You can also stretch the material a bit.

FINISHED BASE! And ready for priming (for example 3-5 layers of woodglue) or for craftfoam details to be glued on etc...
Now it depends on your cosplay, but if the breastplate is one that can be closed in the back, you can use a zipper (glue it on with contact cement or you can even sew it on if the material is not too thick). Also Velcro+belts are possible. On the example breastplate I will glue on a harness system.
I use mostly hot glue, but you can also use contact cement.
I hope this is a little help for some of you out there ^-^


Welcome to my blog! ^-^
I will post tutorials, convention reports, product reviews and more here in the future.

Feel free to comment with your cosplay blogs so I can follow some of you. :)

Greetings! <3

P.S.: I will work on the layout later :D